Unexpectedly I found myself listening to the problems, conflicts, questions or dilemas from friends or acquantances, and, even more unexpectedly, offering to them a key-word’, a sentence, a next step towards a new begining, an opening door, or just make them allow themselves to breath freely again. It was their respond that made me decide to take this spontaneous coaching sessions into a profesional level.
I followed the Yoga Psychotherapy and Life Couch Consultant Training run by my yoga master Attila Bakos (Narada Akademia) and his team in Hungary; the Family Constellation Facilitators Training with Miklós Szalachy, Austria; and LIP (Life Integration Process) phenomenologycal psychology and integrative constellation facilitator training with Wilfried Nelles, Germany.
But, you may ask to yourself: "What is, actually, the coaching?" "What is the procedure?" "How does it work?" "What does actually happen in a coaching session?"
Coaching happens between two persons, and also remains between two persons. Sometimes we sit on chairs, others on the floor. It could happen that the client is talking without breathing for one and a half hour. There are occasions, when the client speaks out just a few words, and it is mainly me who share my personal experience on a particular theme. It could happen also that we don’t talk at all, because we just meditate, or do some breathing exercises. We might work with the archetypes from the perspective of mythology, fairy tales, zodiacs or yoga philosophy. It could even happen that the session becomes an individual family constellation or an individual LIP session. Everything is decided as we go… taking an un-predictable path, as un-predictable is the future. Changing as the client changes. Developing as the client volutes, like germs from planted seeds.
I normally recommend a short program of sessions, avoiding the appearance of a possible feeling of dependency. The aim is always helping the costumer to be a free, sovereign, independent adult person, with as clear consciousness as possible.
You can ask for an online of offline appointment at: | 0040 751450416.
The price for a counseling session in English for people living in Romania or Hungary is:
1 hour (60 min) 450 RON.
1 1/2 hours (90 min) 650 RON.
For clients from other countries I apply an avarage price of constellation work and coaching of the country they live in.