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Edó Gergely, a YES to life's invitation!


Based in Cluj Napoca I work mainly with LIP (Life Intergration Process), phenomenologycal psychology and integrative constellations - which I teach as well, nationally and internationally. I am a life coach as well and yoga psychotherapy consultant. In 2020 I founded Nelles Institut Transylvania. Storytelling, and writing in general is also one of my passions, having published already six books and numerous articles.


My studies and my mentors:

University of Bucharest, Department of Hungarology, 1996 - 2001

University of Helsinki, Postgraduate studies, 2001 - 2002

Babes-Bolyai University, Hungarian Literary Studies, PhD student 2010 - 2011

Yoga psychotherapy and life coach, 2013-2014, Narada Akadémia, Hungary.

Family and systemic constellation training with Szalachy Miklós (Austria) 2014-2017

LIP / Life Integration Process - fenomenological and integrative constellation work training  2017 - 2019, with Wilfried Nelles and Malte Nelles (Nelles Institut, Gemany).

Summer Academies at Nelles Institut with Wilfried Nelles, Malte Nelles, Thomas Geßner, Ruedi Eggerschwiler and Bettina Schneebeli 2015, 2016, 2018, 2022.

Pedagogy through storytelling, moduls with Bajzáth Mária.

Informal consultations with my spiritual "fathers", with Salamon András and Pressing Lajos.

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